Custom Chatbot

Is your digital communication personalised and smart?

We help engaging your HCPs and Patients effortlessly powered with GenAI.


Elevate Your Brand with High-Value Engagement Services

Personalized Patient Education for HCP Branding

Digital Health Support for Patient-centred Care

Custom Solutions for Pharma Businesses

Custom Solutions for Clinics & Hospitals

Personalized Science-led Medical Education Experience

How does it work ?

WhatsApp-based chatbot utilising Al based facial recognition and Real Time Content Personalisation.

Personalised content is delivered within fractions of a second at scale using cloud based compute, hosting.

Content once generated for a doctor is Stored on CDN (edge servers) for faster delivery.





Experience the Product in Action: Live Demo

Get ready to experience the power of WhatsApp to engage and deliver value to scaled networks of doctors, patients, and frontline staff.

Talk to us today

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Success Stories


A leading FMCG companies in India operating in beauty and healthcare spaces. Emami was seeking


A leading FMCG companies in India operating in beauty and

Merck Group

A leading FMCG companies in India operating in beauty and